Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I am going to try this blogging thing and see how I like it. I am sure I won't be as faithful as Lisa & Charity are, but I will try. Bear with me as I am new at this.

Hello Everyone!! We had a great spring break in Minnesota. The Prichard's let us come visit for a week. We had a great time. This was the first family vacation we have ever been on that didn't include a softball tournament. There were a lot of worries about who wouldn't have fun and if Paul would get bored. Thankfully everyone had fun and felt right at home. If you ask the Prichard's maybe we were to "at home".
It was great to get to know them better in a more intimate setting. There were games played nightly. The new favorite game is "The Farm Game". It will be coming to the cottage, but beware the Tom, Joel & Anna are very competitive and got really good at it. They beat up on Paul and here that never happens so it was goo to put him in his place.
Julia had to deal with us being downatairs with her. We invaded her bathroom and took over the TV room. We also were up earlier than she was, but she never complained and was very gracious to us. Thanks Julia (or as Joe calls her "Judya)
We had a trip to the Mall of America and spent the whole day in the amusement park and never got to go shopping. I think I was the only one sad about that. We had a great time and can't wait to see Tom, Lois, Julia, Ellen, Joel & Anna in 70 days at the cottage. Anna informed me of how many days are left until the cottage.
Ellen got her braces off while we were there and did a lot of smiling:D


  1. You're a mom of 4, Kristy; you can keep up a blog while you cook dinner, do laundry, wipe behinds, etc! Nice to read about your spring break; now you just need to post some pictures of all your cuties (children, that is).

  2. Sounds like fun. Next year maybe we can go without the kids and spend the entire time shopping ;)
    Great blog by the way. Try keeping up with Rachel though. I am not sure how she does it but it is so fun keeping up with everybody.
